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February 28th Ok, due to illness on my part on Monday and Tuesday, and Keenspace server trouble on Wednesday, the Underground has been out of commission far too long for my taste. So, I'm still catching up, as bad little me was busy this last weekend painting miniatures instead of drawing comics, but no such distraction will exist this weekend, as I have already played in the game I was painting for (Lord of The Rings Tabletop game by Games Workshop). Anyhow, I'm doing my best to make with the funny, as the saying goes, and get those comics rolling. If not today, then perhaps tomorrow (Friday night) I'll be able to get comics done, and post them over the weekend, catching us up for next week. Thanks for staying with us despite the delay, and check back soon -Jeff February 21st Alrighty, the long awaited (ok, not that long) beginning of The Underground's very first storyline ever is here. It may not look like much, but hopefully it'll develop into a long and humorous story. Sorry for the lack of regular Underground posts this week, I just got a day behind and wasn't able to catch up, so I had to post quick stuff, which means not inked, because I'm slow as hell when it comes to inking. However, this weekend I'm going to try (really, this time I promise!) to get a day or two ahead so that the pressure won't be on quite as much. Also, I'll try to actually get to a color weekend post this weekend, and I'm trying to resolve issues with the archives. Up until the 18th works just fine, but the 18th and 19th seem to not have archived properly, so I'm hoping it's not a permanent problem with the auto-update program that I can't fix. Anyway, we appreciate your support, and tell your friends! February 20th Well, I'm still a little behind on the comics, I need to get a few days ahead one weekend, and then I won't have to draw a strip a day, I can maybe take two days per strip, upload it the day before it goes up, then repeat the process. Unfortunately, knowing me this probably won't happen. Anyway, in site news, a new section has been added to the links, that of "Friends of The Underground". This section is reserved for those sites that link back to us. Why would one want to do this? Well, we'd hope out of your love of the comic, and wanting to share it with other people, but some less altruistic reasons include that we'll mention you in the newspost, hopefully directing a portion of our meager traffic your way, and on the links page, your link will be in the top section, not way down in alphabetical order and categorized. So if you like the site, and you have your own piece of internet real estate, we can give each other the mutual hook up, as the saying goes. Anyway, without further ado, our first "Friend of the Underground" is Snowflake Studios. This site is the home to not one, but many quality Keenspace comics. Check em out if you're into that whole online comic thing, which it would seem you are, since you're here. Continuing the site news, the artwork section now contains the piece of filler art I had up on monday, which, if you missed it, is a picture of myself in manga-vision. I'm holding a microphone cable, to clear up any confusion (that's the first thing most people say when they see that picture). So, check the links, check the Friends, and check the art. Meanwhile, I'm planning on checking the bed, in great detail -Jeff
February 18th Yes, another newspost in the same day, because there is indeed more news! Unfortunately, today's comic is still not up, but the filler comic which was supposed to get uploaded this morning, but wasn't due to that whole sleeping in late thing on my part, is now up for your viewing (dis)pleasure. I'm going to submit that particular pic to my school's literary magazine, so hopefully it's not too bad. Anyway, in more important news, the archives have been resurrected via manual creation of links and images and ads instead of the sweet sweet tags of autokeen (apparently autokeen isn't cool with making archive pages of past dates). This evening I'm going to try to post the planned weekend strip, and push back the intro to the storyline to debuting tomorrow. If I can squeeze it in, I'll bust out with two full color strips this weekend. I know my coloring isn't very advanced, but I'd like to think that that is mostly due to time constraints. For a real evaluation of my computer coloring skills (my marker and colored pencil coloring skills are pretty much non-existent) check out the first two pics in the artwork section. I'm very pleased with the coloring there, now if only I could draw on par with those images, then I'd be good to go. Anyway, check back soon, as I'll hopefully have the strips up, sorry to be falling down on the job in the updates so soon, I'm gonna put on a brave face and plod through -Jeff February 18th Unfortunately, due to the problems with the website and other things I had to get done this weekend, I wasn't able to get the weekend or monday strips ready in time. However, they will be up by the end of today, though the weekend strip maynot get colored until this weekend. In the interim, I have a non-underground piece that is an anime superhero version of myself (I'm holding a mic cable, because I'm the sound operator for my school's theatre department) that I'm going to submit to the literary magazine. I'll add it to the artwork section as soon as I get the strip up. I know I'm falling down on the job, and it's only the second week, but I think I can start getting everything updated this week. Also, the archives are temporarily broken, due to complications in the cosmetic surgery. I'm currently trying to resolve issues with the automation of the archives, and if I can't get that to work, then I'm just going to have to make the first week's archive pages manually. Thanks for your support everyone, keep checking back -Jeff February 16th Well, as you probably noticed, The Underground website has undergone intensive cosmetic surgery. The site layout that had been up was focused more towards being functional as soon as possible, so that the site could be up and running in time for the comic's debut. Now that I have some more time and the comic is running more or less smoothly, I decided to revamp the layout quite a bit. I hope you like the new layout, and as always, feel free to send me feedback at blak_joker@yahoo.com because I always love to hear from readers, even if it's about how badly this comic sucks (not as nice as readers who like it, but hey, it's still feedback). Also, you may notice a certain lack of news here at the bottom of the page. Well, I decided to go ahead and archive the news as it was getting rather large, and I was in the middle of editing the site anyway. You can find old news on the archives page, under "News Archives", which will be filed by month, with all of the news for one month one page (unless there's a whole damn lot of news, I suppose). As to The "Underground Cinema" strip, no, I'm not changing the Underground's style this early in. Not on a regular basis anyway. You see, Underground Cinema will be a random installment that doesn't fit with the continuity (such as it is) of the rest of the strip. Many anime fans have experience with this sort of thing, like the super deformed shorts at the end of Blue Seed. Basically, it's an excuse to draw silly things and/or things that don't go with the rest of the strip. I draw it in an even more simple cartoony style, and also don't ink it, making it a pencil sketch, which allows me to do fun things with shading (an area I need to improve-wait, I need to improve all of my areas). So, never fear, we'll return to the regularly scheduled comic this weekend, and maybe even launch our very first storyline! Stay tuned, and keep in touch -Jeff February 12th Alrighty, well, the updates are here, and completed. Friday, Thursday, and the weekend now have comics. Also, monday's and today's are up. Feel free to check out the artwork section, and also the cool shirts at T Shirt Hell. Any shirts you buy there benefit us, and help to pay for the supplies needed for the comic (at no extra cost for the shirt). Also, in other news, it's my birthday today, so happy birthday to me, and feel free to get me a birthday present by buying yourself a shirt, and gettin us 4 bucks. Expect a news archive soon -Jeff February 10th The promised weekend updates are well on their way. Some are to be added later today, but for now check out the artwork and links section for some new content. Also, you may have noticed a little button to the right of the comic. This is a link to Tshirt Hell, which sells some very humorous T shirts. Why does this link get a special position right on the front page? That's right, big, fat stacks of money! Actually, they're rather small stacks of money that are only imaginary at this point. Here's how it works, anyone who clicks on that link, and then buys a shirt, gets us 4 bucks. Anyone who clicks on that link, and then signs up to make money gets us 1 buck. Not a lot of money certainly, but the Underground isn't a commercial venture, it's a labor of love. A couple bucks to buy pencils, pens, and paper, however, is a nice prospect. Any money derived from this link will go only to keeping the comic going. I figured that one tiny little link button was the most tasteful and least obtrusive ways to obtain a method of supporting The Underground. I don't want to defile the site with pop up ads certainly. Also, this was insanely simple to sign up for. If you still have beef with it though, lemme know at blak_joker@yahoo.com In other news, we're looking into getting support for forums and a Cgi news update program, so look forward to a place to leave us messages and interact with fellow Underground users. Also, fairly soon you can expect more and longer posts from Matt, so you don't have to listen to me ramble on, he's the brains behind this operation -Jeff February 7th Well, first I'd like to apologize for today's late strip, and now I'll apologize in advance for tomorrow's late strip. I don't currently have access to my scanner, and won't until tomorrow afternoon. At that point however, I will get both strips up, and also some weekend goodies. I'm going to scan in the first ever Full Color Underground webcomic (some of its earlier incarnations have seen colored form, but I won't subject you to those (except perhaps in a future "development of the Underground" section). This will (hopefully) be a regular feature every weekend, as on the weekends I actually have the time to go in and color the strips. Anyhow, in addition to that, the artwork section will see it's first content, and I'll show you what I can do besides talking heads (and yes, I can do more than talking heads. sort of) Thanks for checking us out, and keep the feedback coming -Jeff February 7th The profiles in the Meet the Authors sections have been updated, and
you can now link to them via the button clearly labled, "Meet the
Authors". -Matt February 4th, 2002 The Underground is online! Welcome to the strip, and I hope that you enjoy it. To all of the people I've referred here in person, thanks for taking the time to listen to my crazy advertising. For people who got here otherwise, that's even more amazing, and I hope your number keeps growing. If you haven't heard, I'm trying to implement something called the Wayne's World effect. I steal this idea from the classic movie, Wayne's World (hence the name). The system is simple. After you hear about or see this site (well, I suppose it has to be the latter if you're seeing this) tell two friends about it and give them the address. Tell them to tell two friends the same thing, and so on and so on. Eventually there should be a good many readers here. Well, I hope at any rate. I'm going to look into getting some kind of message board/forum/guestbook, so that comments can be left directly on the site, but for now, please let me know about any suggestions, comments, criticisms, hate mail, or death threats that you may have. Send any such messages to blak_joker@yahoo.com and I will reply as promptly as possible. Until then, check out the links page for some more great online comics, and head back this way daily on weekdays, and come back on the weekend for a special color Underground! -Jeff February 2nd, 2002 Hello everyone, welcome to the Underground. We'll Launch the actual comic on Monday, February 4th, when we'll start updating everyday. Sitback and enjoy the disgruntled teenagers. |
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