I know, I'm a terrible person, and I should have put a comic up on
Friday. One is coming though, and I heartily apologize for the inconsistencey.
I'm still working out this whole "having things to do" thing
once more. Some good news is that the link to the forum now works again,
as I found out the address changed during the upgrade of the forums.
They are now much much faster, and I'm sure you've noticed, so is the
main site. I'll try to be sure to get a comic up by tomorrow at the
latest, and unfortunately, It hink we're gonna have to stick with the
one-a-week format for a bit now, as we continue to ease back into the
school groove. Hopefully, eventually we'll be back up to 3 a week or
perhaps even the dizzying heights of 5 days a week such as we started
with. So, give us some feedback for what you'd like to see, either at
our email addresses, or at the forum. Well, catch all of you later,
August 12th
Alrighty, by now you've probably seen the placeholder above, and I
am very sorry for not having the comic up by this evening as promised.
My engagements ended up taking a lot longer than I expected of them,
so I didn't have time to finish drawing before tonight, and now the
scanner is not accessible. Anyway,until tomorrow, I have two backgrounds
for you. The first is a compilation of Tony Diterlizzi art, and he is
quite possibly my favorite modern artist, certainly so in the fantasy
department. All pictures therein are copyright Tony Diterlizzi, and
I am about to contact his website regarding the use of it, to make sure
it's kosher, but I'll take it down if there's any problem with permission.
Anyway it is here. The other one springs from too much Warcraft III
and the crazy summoning animations for the undead buildings, which I
just think are really cool, but then I'm weird that way. It can be found
here, and is copyright Jeff Russell, and I grant permission to anyone
to use it as a desktop background, or other personal use, but not to
distribute it or edit it without further permission (had to get that
fun legal stuff outta the way, and it makes me feel all official and
what not). So, take a look at those, enjoy, and look for the comic tomorrow.
Speaking of legal stuff, this is a requirement of the White Wolf game
company, a purveyor of fine dark fantasy roleplaying games
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
August 12th
Hey, comic will be up this afternoon, or this evening at the latest,
just thought I'd let you know. Busy days yesterday and today, so I'm
sorry. Anyway, see you then
August 9th
Ok, well, as you probably noticed the art of today's strip isn't quite
what we usually feature. This lovely piece is brought to you by my girlfriend,
Erin. We admittedly drew the idea from the venerable Penny Arcade whose
strip for today was drawn by their writer, Tycho. Erin was reading it
whilst at my house and said "I wanna draw one for you" so
I said "ok" because I'm a lazy bum and didn't have a strip
ready for today anyway. In other news, expect us to continue with our
regular, quasi-continuity keeping storyline on Monday, as drawn by moi.
Unless Matt wants to give it a go. Hell, I may never have to draw my
own comic again ; ) Also, as fair warning, I head back for one last
tour of duty at that hellish place that provides the setting for the
comic, High School. We're going to endeavour not to let the year swamp
us as last year did, and keep the funny rolling. Or flowing. Or spurting,
or whatever, but it'll be getting to you whether it be moving in gaseous,
solid, or even liquid form. On that note, I go to play more Warcraft
August 9th
Hey there everybody, just thought I'd let you know that a comic is
indeed coming later today, but it is not here yet because I just got
Warcraft III. If that doesn't explain itself, then I don't know how
I could do a better job. Needless to say, getting my summer reading
done hasn't been helped by this occurence either. Anyhow, check back
later this afternoon, or maybe this evening, or if you don't fell like
worrying about the time, tomorrow. At any rate, I'll get the comic up
and make with the funny. It's not gonna be another case of me not making
one for, you know, 2 months. So, enjoy
August 2nd
The Underground has been undergoing some changes recently, including
major updates to almost every section of the site. New additions include
updated and more inclusive descriptions in the Cast section and the
Meet The Author's section, now including some of my writing work. Soon
enough, this section will be moved to the main page, but for now the
link for it will be off of Meet The Authors, for any of you who want
to brave assorted rantings and writings. The Links pages have been updated
as well, and several new strips are on the way. Though we'll miss today's
strip, we will not only make it up but give you an extra one this week,
as well as our now-normal Friday strip. Like anybody reads this anyways
Stay tuned for more updates and more interesting news coming on a far
more regular basis as Jeff and I get back into the groove of writing
and drawing. Peace out.
August 1st
Well, what the hell happened? I'm sure you'd like to know why there
haven't been regular updates all summer long, after I promised *more*
updates in the summer. I'm also sure you're wondering why there are
only 5 of you, and all of you already know me. Maybe I'm being generous.
The long and short of it is that I'm lazy and I've been busy. I'm not
likely to get any less busy, but I've gotten my webcomic dedication
back. Matt and I have made an executive decision to ease out of our
(mostly my) laziness by delivering a weekly strip, on Fridays. If monday
would suit you good folks better, hit me up at blak_joker@hotpop.com
or any other day of the week for that matter. Also, I'm afraid the comics
will probably continue to be pencil with no good speech bubbles for
a bit. I know this is a cop out, at one a week I should be cranking
out full color masterpieces, but like I said, we're trying to ease back.
That's another thing to let us know about, do you want more, less good
drawing-wise comics, or less, higher quality art strips? Hit the email,
or if they work, the forums. Thanks for sticking with us, and tell your
friends we're back in business.
-Jeff, terrible human being